Bacon Bliss: Crispy Rashers in Your Air Fryer - A Sizzling Delight

how to cook bacon rashers in air fryer

How to Cook Bacon Rashers in Air Fryer: A Crispy Delight

Savor the Crispy Goodness of Bacon Rashers with Air Fryer

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Bacon rashers, with their salty, smoky flavor and crispy texture, are a beloved breakfast staple. Traditionally cooked in a pan, bacon rashers can now be effortlessly prepared in an air fryer, yielding equally crispy results with less mess and healthier outcomes.

Embrace the Healthier Alternative

Air fryer bacon rashers offer a healthier alternative to pan-fried bacon. By eliminating the need for excess oil, the air fryer method significantly reduces fat content while preserving the delectable flavor and texture of bacon.

Step-by-Step Guide to Air Fryer Bacon Perfection

1. Selecting the Right Bacon Rashers

Begin by selecting high-quality bacon rashers with a good fat-to-lean ratio. Thicker rashers yield crispier results.

2. Preparing the Air Fryer

Preheat your air fryer to 200°C (400°F). This ensures the bacon cooks evenly and quickly.

3. Arranging the Bacon Rashers

Line the air fryer basket with parchment paper to prevent sticking and facilitate easy cleanup. Arrange the bacon rashers in a single layer, ensuring they do not overlap.

4. Air Frying to Perfection

Cook the bacon rashers for 8-10 minutes, depending on the desired level of crispiness. Check on them periodically to prevent overcooking.

5. Ensuring Even Cooking

To ensure even cooking, flip the bacon rashers halfway through the cooking process. This ensures both sides achieve the perfect crispiness.

Achieving Your Desired Crispiness

The cooking time may vary slightly depending on the thickness of the bacon rashers and your preferred level of crispiness. For crispier bacon, increase the cooking time by a few minutes.

Serving and Enjoying Air Fryer Bacon Rashers

Once cooked to perfection, remove the bacon rashers from the air fryer and transfer them to a paper towel-lined plate to absorb any excess grease. Serve immediately with your favorite breakfast accompaniments, such as eggs, toast, or pancakes.

Additional Tips for Air Fryer Bacon Success

  • Experiment with different bacon flavors, such as peppered or maple bacon, for a delightful twist.

  • Cut the bacon rashers into smaller pieces for quicker cooking and more uniform crispiness.

  • Avoid overcrowding the air fryer basket, as this can hinder even cooking.

  • For thicker bacon rashers, consider increasing the cooking time by a few minutes, while keeping an eye to prevent overcooking.

  • Clean the air fryer basket thoroughly after each use to prevent buildup and ensure optimal performance.


Air frying bacon rashers is a game-changer, offering a healthier and more convenient way to enjoy this classic breakfast treat. With its crispy texture and reduced fat content, air fryer bacon is a delight that can be savored without guilt. Embrace the simplicity and versatility of this cooking method, and elevate your breakfast routine to new heights of crispy goodness.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What type of air fryer is best for cooking bacon rashers?

Answer: Any air fryer with a temperature range of at least 200°C (400°F) will suffice. However, air fryers with larger capacities may be more convenient for cooking multiple rashers simultaneously.

2. Can I use parchment paper in the air fryer?

Answer: Yes, using parchment paper in the air fryer is recommended to prevent sticking and facilitate easy cleanup. Make sure the parchment paper is heat-resistant and cut it to fit the size of your air fryer basket.

3. How do I clean the air fryer after cooking bacon rashers?

Answer: Cleaning the air fryer after cooking bacon rashers is essential to maintain optimal performance. Allow the air fryer to cool completely before wiping the basket and interior with a damp cloth. For thorough cleaning, remove the basket and wash it with warm soapy water.

4. Can I cook other breakfast items in the air fryer along with the bacon rashers?

Answer: Yes, you can cook other breakfast items, such as eggs, pancakes, and hash browns, in the air fryer simultaneously with the bacon. However, adjust the cooking times and temperatures accordingly to ensure everything is cooked properly.

5. How do I store leftover air fryer bacon rashers?

Answer: Store leftover air fryer bacon rashers in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 3-4 days. You can also freeze the bacon rashers for longer storage, ensuring they are properly wrapped to prevent freezer burn.

Video Air Fryer Bacon | Bacon In The Air Fryer (Super crispy and easy)